
DSP  AD5430-01(16ch general purpose A/D board)


Number of input channels Single-ended input: 16ch
5 selections for number of channels: 1ch, 2ch, 4ch, 8ch, or 16ch
Max. input voltage 70 V p-p
Input resolution 16bit (with LTC1609)
Conversion speed 10 µsec/ch or less
Internal sampling
External sampling
Internal sampling / External sampling (selectable)
100 kHz maximum (only 1ch is used), 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 step settings
5 kHz maximum when 16ch are used
100 kHz maximum (only 1ch is used), 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 step settings
5 kHz maximum when 16ch are used.Input level is 5 to 24 V DC (voltage input)
Input range Unipolar input: 0 to +1 V, 0 to+6 V, 0 to +12 V
Bipolar input: 0 to ±1 V, 0 to ±6 V, 0 to ±12 V
Input range can be set for each channel *1
Accuracy ±10 V range: ±0.1% of full scale (25°)
±5 V, ±1 V range: ±0.1% of full scale (25°)
Accuracy is an average of results over 32 points
Temperature drift ±0.05% 0° to 50°
Input impedance 1 MΩ or higher
Isolation No isolation between channels. Isolated between CPU bus
Sampling control Software / External trigger (selectable)
Buffer memory 256k word FIFO / Ring system (selectable)
  • *1: Total sampling speed may be slower when measuring multiple channels with different ranges.

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